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Click Nonprofit

Click Nonprofit



Click Nonprofit

Google gives nonprofits the opportunity to receive a grant worth $10,000 of in-kind advertising dollars. This $10k per month is used to advertise on the Google search results page. This can bring in up to 6,000 people per month to a nonprofit’s website that otherwise would never have come.

If you use Google to search for things on the internet (as do nearly 90% of humans with 3.5 billion searches per day), you most likely click on one of the first results rather than scrolling through multiple results and pages. Most people do the same. Nearly 70% of clicks on the Google search are on the first 5 results. With the Google Grant, we get nonprofits to the top of the Google search, getting in front of thousands of people interested in their cause.

Once we acquire Google Ad Grants for your nonprofit, we will create campaigns and ads for your account and we will optimize on a regular basis. The management is on a no-obligation, month-to-month basis. From the analytics report we provide, you will be able to see how much traffic comes to your website, where the traffic comes from, and your goals that are completed. This allows you to establish a value for our service. If after the first month you are not 100% satisfied with the results, we won’t charge you.
