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Suite 300, 192 Spadina Ave Toronto ON Canada


The Driven Difference

If you’re not using Driven to manage your non-profit, you’re already sacrificing too much time, energy and money. Driven users don’t need to compromise when it comes to delivering exceptional results.

Transparent Pricing means no more sacrifices.

Driven users get more done in less time because everything you need to manage donors, volunteers and/or members is already integrated into one central database. Don’t need a product yet? Know that it will work seamlessly with the rest of the Driven suite when you do. Need a feature we don’t yet have? Our development team can work with you to add it.

You shouldn’t have to sacrifice efficiency for ease of use, or sacrifice features for a lower price, or settle for lackadaisical support, expensive paid support, or no support.

When it comes to effectively managing donors, members, or volunteers, you really can have it all…at a fair price, without constantly being up-sold or nickeled-and-dimed.

Total Integration means no more frustration

Your Driven non-profit management platform is engineered from the ground up, with a single shared database, to deliver results. If you’re still cobbling together three apps, four spreadsheets, and a wall of sticky notes to do your job, your non-profit management software isn’t doing its job.

With Driven, your data is universally available wherever and whenever you need it, anywhere on the platform. What’s more, you can visualize and make use of your data your way, because we customize the software for your specific needs—at no additional charge.
