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Engiven in a pioneer in the cryptocurrency donation arena allowing nonprofits to add crypto donations to their fundraising efforts. While helping organizations to accept Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other popular crypto donations. With our platform, accepting cryptocurrency donations has never been easier. We’ll help your organization to understand crypto, blockchain, and crypto philanthropy nuances. We also provide an easy and seamless way for nonprofits to increase their funding through crypto donations. Trusted by over 1,000 nonprofit organizations, our crypto giving widget and time-saving software help organizations raise more money from more donors.

Founded in 2018, we are a leading provider of cryptocurrency donation services to nonprofits and faith-based organizations. The platform provides a highly automated crypto-giving solution that includes blockchain monitoring, automatic exchanges, gift receipts, bank deposits, IRS tax form creation, and custody options. Engiven will handle your end-to-end crypto processing and reporting needs. While having real-time transaction and donor data at your fingertips.

Our nonprofit clients include some of the most respected charities and ministries in the United States. Including The Salvation Army, US Figure Skating, Compassion International, Texas A&M, and North Point Ministries. For more information about Engiven, visit


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