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1717 E Cary St Richmond VA



The heart of Humanitru is a powerful database. This allows you to track and report on all constituent engagement from your donor, member, volunteer, program, and event channels.

Additionally, our database and CRM are designed to provide you with a 360-degree view of all your constituent actions. With this data and the vast suite of tools and features, you will be able to develop a fundraising strategy that generates results.

Build and segment highly targeted donor outreach lists. Push those lists into your MailChimp or Constant Contact accounts. A campaign is automatically created and emails sent, emails opened, and links clicked are updated based on the results.

Leverage tags, actions, a donor calculator, and forecasting and modeling tools along with lead scoring and a strategic plan generator (ACT). This will be coming soon to help you develop a comprehensive fundraising strategy.

Reporting and segmentation don’t have to be a daunting task. We’ve made it a priority of ours to make it as simple as possible.

Therefore, build strategies for your annual giving, major gift, donor retention, corporate outreach, membership renewals, and more based on data that you can access quickly and easily.

Donation Management

Provide a streamlined, mobile-friendly donation experience for your donor and a better donation management experience for you. A number of elements of the donation landing page can be customized such as logos, background images, branded color schemes, specific ask string amounts, and recurring giving options as well.

Since the donation landing page is part of the Humanitru platform, all donor data flows seamlessly into the Humanitru CRM. Among many advantages, this allows you to see the specific campaigns to which the donor has contributed. You can also pull reports that show donation amounts, dates, average gift size, months likely to donate, total lifetime giving, and much more.

Membership Management

Whether joining for the first time or renewing their membership, our mobile-optimized landing pages will make the entire experience a breeze. Further, automated membership renewal easily allows you to track member status in the database.

Your membership landing page can be customized with your nonprofit logo and branding. Likewise, you can also customize membership types, amounts, and descriptions. As part of the Humanitru platform, you will be able to track membership payments, amounts, frequency, dates, and last payment, among many other options with your membership landing page.

Volunteer Management

Humanitru makes it easy for you to create mobile optimized volunteer landing pages with application forms for volunteers to sign up quickly from any device.

Upload your logo and cover image, choose your color scheme, and add your volunteer information using our easy-to-use editor. As is possible with all of our landing pages, all data flows into the Humanitru database. This allows you to generate deep reporting on volunteer sign-ups. You can also cross-correlate reporting between donors, members, programs, and event data.

Program Management

Encourage More Volunteer Sign Ups! Humanitru makes it easy for you to create mobile-optimized volunteer landing pages with application forms. This allows volunteers to sign up quickly from any device.

Upload your logo and cover image, choose your color scheme, and add your volunteer information using our easy-to-use editor. Generate a URL link that can be used for social sharing with your brand. Track volunteer hours as well as report on volunteer sign-ups, applications, background checks expiring, and more.

As is possible with all of our landing pages, all data flows into the Humanitru database. This allows you to generate deep reporting on volunteer sign-ups. Cross-correlate reporting between donors, members, program, and event data.
