Major donors are your greatest fundraising opportunity—and your biggest challenge. Too many programs are underdeveloped, with donors who are underperforming. If your nonprofit is going to experience significant growth, you need a way to accelerate your program. You need the Westfall Gold “Major Donor Experience”—a three-and-a-half day vision-casting weekend that outperforms all other major donor strategies in cultivation speed and effectiveness. In a day when relational fundraising is king, this program rules—by creating a wrap-around community experience that binds donors to a “tribe” that shares their deepest concerns.

Why should major donors bond with your vision? What unique need do you meet? Why now—where is the urgency to make a significant gift and make it immediately? Our deeply experienced creative team will work collaboratively with you to develop the messaging strategy, define the “Ask,” and build a complete case—intellectual, emotional and transformational– that best motivates major donors to give. This initial step often has implications that will impact your branding far beyond the weekend—a significant “value-add.”

From there, we create your invitation stream, script speakers, and produce event identity graphics, video and collateral support. Over the course of the event, we help present your case with award-winning impact. Our video team, for example, travels the world producing hundreds of videos a year—earning nine Telly Awards this year alone.


Our senior consultants will help you plan every detail of the process and the program, ensuring best practices are followed to build your donors’ trust in you. And because each consultant is a proven development leader in their own right, you can trust in them—especially since their insights are based on the execution and analysis of hundreds of completed events. Pre-weekend, they’ll guide you through donor analytics and attendance-building strategies, speaker selection, and talent booking. During the weekend, they’ll be on-site to direct the program—so that you can focus on your donors. And afterward, they’ll help you with follow-up strategies that build trust—and significant giving—for a lifetime.